PE104 Pull down Fitness Strength Equipment Machine
It is a special product that mainly exercises the latissimus dorsi and assists in the exercise of the deltoid and biceps. After the exerciser chooses the appropriate weight and height of the leg pads, the back, shoulders, and arms can be effectively exercised by pulling the handles. -
PE105 Dip/Chin Assistant Top Quality Hot selling Fitness Equipment
To exercise the latissimus dorsi, triceps, and assist in the exercise of the biceps, deltoids, and serratus anterior dual-function products. After the exerciser chooses the appropriate weight, he can exercise the back and upper limb muscles effectively through pull-ups or parallel bar arms flexion and extension. -
PE107 Seated Row Proffessional Commercial Gym Machine
The seated row machine is a device that can exercise the muscles of the whole body. Among them, the arms, thighs, back and abdominal core are the main ones. You must maintain the correct posture during training. -
PE108 Seated Biceps Commercial Indoor Gym Machine
Sunsforce PE108 Seated Biceps is an ideal product that mainly exercises biceps. Articulating arm eliminates the need for adjustment while allowing users to move in a pattern best suited to their body type or motion preference. Arm pad is angled for stability, and limits unwanted shoulder movement during exercise.